Zach and Whitney's Archie Comic Collection


We don't think anyone is going to see this site, but hey!  You never know.
Anyway, Welcome!

We're not going to say what this site is about, because if you're blind enough not to see the site title, then there is no way you'll be able to read the list.  Yeah, we know, we're very good at saying things modestly.  :D
Also, we have soooooo many comics, it's going to take a while to get all of them posted.  In the future, we may put some pictures of them up, or put how much they're worth up, but probably not.  Sorry.
Oh, and check out our Archie blog if you have a chance, it's pretty rad.  We also have a blog on this site, you can check it out here.

This site is a work-in-progress, just to let you guys know. 
So, we think that's about it.  
Peace! :D

UPDATE:  Zach just bought a heck-of-a-lotta (lol) old comics, so expect some comics from the 50s and 60s (and maybe 40s, Zach already forgot) getting posted in the near future.

    Who is your favorite Archie Comics character?